How 2017 will be different

I’m a big fan of New Year’s resolutions. I generally work really hard to meet the goals I set for myself each year and some years I set a lot and some years I set a few and some years I kick ass and some years not so much. I feel accomplished when my goal is achieved but I don’t let it get me too down when a goal is not achieved, but rather, I use that as more information on how I can improve the next time I try.

I have been thinking about 2016 coming to a close and 2017 as a clean slate ahead and all that comes to mind is how I want 2017 to be different. Not clear “resolutions” like I typically do, but general themes in which I want to see some shifting, some easing in, some thoughtful purpose towards.

So what does that mean? Let me share….

2017 is the year I will lose the regain I’ve had in the last 18 months. I know that sounds very typical of a standard New Year Resolution “I want to lose X pounds” and I don’t suppose it really is any different. For me, though, I really am going to have to fake it until I make it. I need a complete diet overhaul. I am committing to a full ketogenic diet for the first 5.5 weeks of the new year. That will be enough time to see how I feel eating in such a way and see if I  have any positive side effects such as weight loss, reduction in cravings, more energy, etc. While losing the weight I’ve put on is VERY important to me, feeling great and being healthy is my primary motivator. As always, an attempt more to change my relationship with food than anything else. Why only 5.5 weeks you ask? My husband and I are being gifted a wine tasting trip to Santa Rosa, CA and while I don’t intend to just jump into baguettes and ice cream, I do expect I’ll taste some wine. Then I can come home, reassess and either continue on, or find another plan.

2017 is the year I incorporate yoga and/or Pilates in to my workout routine. I’ve had this one before and yoga is difficult for me, but I know my body needs it. I am very good at weight lifting. I am begrudging at cardio. And I feel like I need to find a balance between lifting, cardiovascular exercise and stretching. I have already scheduled my first Pilates class for January 3rd. 🙂

2017 is the year when I will try harder to nurture the friendships who care to nurture my friendship in return. I am a really good and loyal friend and I deserve friends who are responsive; who make me a priority; who make me feel valued and important. Two way streets are my goal. Which also means spending more time and energy on those friendships I recognize as maybe I haven’t been as equal in giving myself to as I should. I will be the friend I expect someone else to be… and if someone can’t meet me in the middle, I will recognize that and let it lie where it is.

2017 is the year I change my relationship with alcohol. More breaks, less excess, more appreciation, less recklessness. That’s all I need to say about that right now, but it is in the forefront of my mind as something I need to do for myself. I don’t always believe this, but I think, deep down, I know I’m a worthwhile and fun person, even if I go to social events and only have club soda. It has been known to happen.

2017 as a whole may end up looking very different than we’re used to on a national level, but for me, in my world, I’m going to work on the things I do have control over. On things I can do better at. On ways in which I can make my life, and the lives of those nearest to me, happier and more fulfilled. These are the ways 2017 is going to look different for me. I will walk into the year expecting all of these things to be true and will work hard on a physical, emotional, spiritual level, to remain consistent in what I want to see and how I want to feel next year.

How do you want your 2017 to be different?











2 thoughts on “How 2017 will be different

  1. Skye Leslie says:

    Wow! I didn’t even know you had a blog! Of course, you would! This write is actually the most inspirational one I have ever read about someone going in to the New Year and what they’d like to see happen. I believe its great inspiration comes from the fact that it’s about, at least to me, intention, attitude and the hoped for and belief in the outcome. I find that so much more engaging than a drill list of necessary accomplishments to be attained. And, the fact is – if the intention, hope, attitude and belief are there – are the foundation – whatever goal one could imagine might simply come as result. Right? I believe so. Good for you and I’m inspired to look at my new year with the same infrastructure in place so what I want, need, desire is supported in the first place. Love to you FlyeGirl!

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  2. Your BFF says:

    I am with you on the friendship thing. I look forward to having a calmer personal life so that I will have more time and energy for my friends and family.

    Also I am with you on the alcohol thing too.

    I am thinking of not stepping on a scale except maybe once a month in 2017. I’m personally trying to not be attached to the number on the scale but instead focus on moving my body in all of the ways that make me feel good. This also helps me with the drinking thing. If I have an 8 am hike planned on a Saturday or Sunday morning, I will for sure not be drinking the night before and hiking is so much more satisfying than drinking.

    I love you and I am super proud of you for working hard for your goals.


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